Every age has its defining concerns that demand the attention of the deepest and brightest thinkers of the time. For the modern age, one of these preoccupations centers on the escalating global environmental crisis threatening to undermine human progress achieved thus far in economic and social development, and leave the next generation with a debilitated earth. The issue has grown into a dilemma that cannot be confined to a single or even a few sectors of society nor be adequately addressed simply by politicians or scientific experts. The global consensus is that an effective solution to ecological concerns requires an interdisciplinary, dialectical, and dialogical approach involving a diverse contingent of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions. The tasks to be done include applying scientific and technological know-how to social, economic and legal policies, all of which must be undergirded by political will and religious and personal commitment to act on behalf of the environment. This essay examines the multi-dimensional environmental challenges in the context of a globalized world and the need for a collaborative framework in order to overcome these challenges for the benefit of future generations. The thesis here is that without a collaborative interdisciplinary approach, the efforts to address environmental woes will only be piecemeal and ultimately ineffective.
Keywords: Environmental crisis, Ecological concerns, Globalization
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