Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Reflecting on human-nature relationship through the Buddhist worldview


The Theravada Buddhist cosmology reveals a vast existential reality where all beings find their place amidst a collection of interconnected realms. Spanning this cosmological continuum are six realms, each characterized by a distinct measure of suffering. At the depths of this continuum lies the infernal realm, an abyss reserved for those whose lives have been marred by moral transgressions. Here, in a desolate realm consumed by darkness, searing fires, and bone-piercing cold, beings bear the brunt of their negative kamma, enduring unimaginable anguish and torment. The punishments inflicted upon them are ghastly, spanning from the agony of immolation and the chill of freezing to the crushing weight of existence and the piercing sting of weapons. Humans must avoid the perilous fate of rebirth in this realm at all costs by embarking on a profound spiritual journey, guided by the tenets of Buddhist teachings. Through the cultivation of mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom, they strive to cleanse the tarnished remnants of negative kamma, purifying their existence and steering clear of the shadowed depths of the infernal realm.

On the contrasting end of the spectrum resides the pinnacle of samsara's realms: the celestial abode known as the heavenly realm. This ethereal domain serves as a haven of unparalleled joy within the cyclical web of life. Within its sacred confines, individuals, especially those who chose to the life of a householder and who have led a virtuous life find solace. Generosity, morality, and meditation have enriched their lives, bestowing upon them a treasury of merits. At the highest level of the heavenly realm, sixteen hundred human years equal one day. Yet, amidst the paradisiacal joy, it is imperative to grasp the transient nature of this celestial splendor. The teachings of Buddhism declares that the heavenly realm too is impermanent, underscoring its inability to yield ultimate and everlasting happiness. Within this desire realm, denizens remain beholden to the ceaseless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, much like their counterparts in other realms. Inevitably, the reservoir of merits that sustains their celestial sojourn will wane leading to imminent rebirth. Thus, unlike Christian beliefs, the hell realm does not condemn its inhabitants to eternal damnation, and the denizens of the heavenly realm do not bask in everlasting bliss, even though their sojourns within these realms can stretch across aeons. Bound by the unending cycle of rebirth, these inhabitants remain intricately woven into the fabric of the mundane world, alongside those dwelling within the four other realms.

Human beings find their abode in the fourth realm, positioned just above the animal realm and beneath the realm of demi-gods. Nevertheless, these six realms intertwine seamlessly, with the possibility for residents of lower realms to amass sufficient merit over countless lifetimes, eventually ascending to a higher realm. Conversely, those granted the privilege of existence in the heavenly realm must, once their merits have been depleted, traverse a rebirth in the human realm before they can attain permanent liberation. Furthermore, it is worth noting that humans, through immoral deeds, can swiftly accumulate enough negative kamma to warrant rebirth in one of the three lower realms. Thus, the gecko that seems to have become a permanent fixture on your wall might very well be a distant relative from a previous life or a good friend in the next, attesting to the fluid nature of existence and the interconnectedness that pervades the cosmic dance of rebirth.

This intricate mosaic of Buddhist cosmogony unveils a profound truth: human and non-human creatures are intricately intertwined, far from existing in isolation. Together, they bear the weight of a shared destiny, ensnared within the relentless cycle of birth, aging, death, and the ubiquitous presence of suffering. The connection between the human realm and the animal realm stands particularly salient, for not only do they face similar fates, but they also inhabit the same physical space, bound within the realm of earthly existence. Gazing upon this vast panorama, we perceive a collective journey undertaken by sentient beings, all yearning to liberate themselves from the clutches of suffering and discover the elusive shores of eternal happiness. Among these realms, the human realm possesses a distinct significance, as it is the sole domain from which escape from the cyclic bonds of rebirth can be attained. Endowed with the capacity for intellectual inquiry, humans possess the profound ability to comprehend and reflect upon spiritual teachings, unlocking the gateway to enlightenment. Through this profound insight, we gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the origins of suffering, and cultivate the virtues of wisdom and compassion.

Furthermore, our human existence bestows upon us the gift of freedom—freedom to make choices and engage in deliberate actions. This liberty affords us the opportunity to nurture virtuous qualities, amass merits, and forge a path towards transcendence. Yet, there exist deeper reasons why the human realm holds such significance. In our mortal coil, we encounter a delicate balance between pleasure and pain. It is within this delicate interplay that we discover the transitory and unsatisfying nature of all conditioned phenomena, igniting within us an ardent longing for permanent liberation. The pangs of pain we experience serve as a poignant reminder, urging us to transcend this ephemeral existence, while our pleasures offer just enough respite to stir us from our slumber each day, kindling the flames of personal growth and self-improvement.

In this grand orchestration of existence, sentient beings, united by their aspirations and shared struggles, navigate the intricate pathways of the cosmos. And as we, as humans, traverse this complex landscape, guided by our intellectual gift, enormous capacity for choice, and the wisdom born of our experiences, we embark upon a transformative journey towards the ultimate liberation from suffering. At the core of this profound Buddhist worldview lies the recognition that human beings occupy a pivotal role, serving as a bridge that spans the divide between the lower and higher realms. In our earthly journey, our encounters with both elation and desolation become the crucible in which sentiments of unity, benevolence, and empathy take root. It is through these very experiences that we cultivate a profound sense of solidarity, extending our hearts to embrace the collective plight of all sentient beings.

Indeed, the essence of Buddhist moral training resides in empowering individuals to transcend the confines of personal suffering, going beyond the boundaries of self-interest. Instead, it impels us to anchor our ethical actions upon the bedrock of universal empathy, wherein the suffering of every sentient being becomes the catalyst for compassionate engagement. As we internalize this transformative vision, we awaken to the profound interconnection that binds us all, dissolving the illusion of separateness and nurturing a deeper reservoir of altruism. Thus, within this reality of existence, we human beings stand poised as agents of compassion, striding forth to bridge the chasm that separates realms and even divisions within our own human realm. Our very existence, with its tapestry of joy and sorrow, becomes the crucible from which empathy and benevolence arise. With open hearts and minds, we embark on a noble quest, channeling our experiences to forge a path of ethical action that embraces the suffering of all creatures.

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